Novena Leasing Site Rules
Brendale Precinct
1.Vehicle Speed – all vehicles must adhere to the speed limits as posted (20kmhr unless signed).
2.Parking – Site parking is not assigned, however tenants are entitled to the use of the number of carparks outlined in their lease.
3.Workplace Health and Safety – All tenants are responsible for WHS within their leased area but should be aware of vehicles and personnel in the common areas.
4.Licencing - All persons operating on the site must have the appropriate licences for the job that they are undertaking.This includes but is not limited to: driver licences, trade licences, working at heights licence, forklift licence and other licences as applicable. Novena accepts no risk associated with unlicenced persons working on-site.
5.Gates and doors – All entries to individual tenancies (including hardstand areas) are to be secured at the close of business each day.
6.Roof Access – Tenants are not permitted to access building roofs without prior agreement. This includes access for trades. Please notify us immediately if you need to access the roof.
7.Pets – pets are not permitted on the premises or in common areas at any time.
8.Alcohol Consumption – Provision or consumption of alcohol is not permitted on the premises or anywhere on site.
9.Antisocial behaviour – anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in a breach of lease or a strike against the tenant in consideration for any renewal of the lease.
10.Pedestrians – Special care must be given to pedestrians while operating in the public spaces and on the internal roads.
11.Operating Hours – The site is open to the public from during working hours Monday to Friday and Saturday until 2pm. Access outside these times is available by prior arrangement.
12.Security – The site is secured with security fencing, mobile patrols, and CCTV cameras. Security is the responsibility of everyone; please report any suspicious behaviour you observe to our security services or the police. Please also inform us of any issues as soon as possible.
13.Maintenance Issues – All site maintenance issues are to be referred to Carl Roche.
14.Accidents and Incidents –Any accidents or incidents are to be notified to us immediately by phone and email.
15.Inductions - All tenants, their staff, and contractors must complete the Site Induction and where applicable must complete the Roof Access Permit found on website.